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CCP/MCCC Early Release Application

This form will need to be completed and turned into the Main Office for any student who will be leaving campus to attend CCP classes or MCCC during the school day.

College Visit/Job Shadowing Request Form

This form must be completed and turned in to the Main Office prior to any College Visit or Job Shadowing can take place.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application

This form must be completed to apply for Free or Reduced lunch.  Families will be notified if they are approved or denied. In order for students approved for Free Lunch to have course fees waived, parents must give consent in Section 5. The form can be returned to the Main Office when completed

Late Arrival/Early Release Application

Students who would like to apply for Late Arrival/Early Release must complete the application in full and turn into the Main Office.

Parking Pass Application

This form must be completed in full, all student fees paid and Final Forms finished before a Permit will be given. 

Vacation Request Form

This form must be completed and all signature gathered before submitting to the Main Office.

Work Permit Application

This form must be completed in full before it can be completed by the Main Office staff. The student must be present to sign for the Work Permit when completed.